Whether sunk on purpose as an artificial reef or the result of mishap, wrecks open fascinating windows to the past. Most divers find wrecked ships, airplanes and even automobiles nearly irresistible because they’re intriguing to explore, exciting avenues of discovery, and usually teeming with aquatic life. The PADI Wreck Diver course teaches you the ins and outs of rewarding, responsible wreck diving.
What You Learn
- Techniques for diving exploring shipwrecks, and how to avoid common hazards
- How to research and learn the background of your favorite wrecks
- Wreck scuba diving equipment considerations
- Considerations and techniques for entering intact wrecks
- Experience in planning, organizing and making at least four wreck dives under the supervision of your PADI Instructor
Cost $199
Includes Text. Does not included rental equipment dive site fees or charter boat fees.